Happy Easter, I hope you’re having a great Easter weekend!

For those following along with the Ascot Quilt Along, Congratulations! We are now at week 7, with the Borrow & Lend Block. Watch out for the video later today.

Remember to post pictures of your quilt progress to Instagram and tag the Quilt Along #AscotQAL and the Poppy Patchwork page @poppypatchworkprojects. I love to see how you are all getting on.

I can’t believe we only have 3 weeks left to complete the Ascot Quilt Along. This is my first quilt along and it’s been amazing, and I hope you’re enjoying it as much as I am.

Keep going and Happy Quilting!
Jayne, Poppy Patchwork

Happy Easter from the Ascot QAL Week 7